有人說《歌聲伴我心》(Les Choristes) 是音樂版《暴雨驕陽》(Dead Poet's Society)(不是說《生命因你動聽》(Mr. Holland's Opus) 才是麼?),《歌》的劇情較《暴》輕鬆得多,至少沒有搞出人命。但相同的是,教師躊躇滿志,卻未及春風化雨,已遭傳統建制徹底擊敗。這不只是戲劇情節,在現實生活也經常發生。
演主角馬圖的 Gérard Jugnot 一舉手一投足都是戲,一班童星也演出可人。少年莫朗 Jean-Baptiste Maunier 一張天使面孔,卻有魔鬼性格。同時,他擁有一把繞樑三日的美妙歌喉。演暮年莫朗的 Jacques Perrin 是個傳奇人物:曾奪威尼斯影展最佳男主角,27 歲成立電影公司,不久便拍出奧斯卡最佳外語片《大風暴》(Z, 1969,代表阿爾及利亞),1990 年代製作的紀錄片《點蟲蟲》(Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe) 贏得法國凱薩獎。這個在《柳媚花嬌》(Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, 1967) 中的俊美少年 Maxence(也在《星光伴我心》(Nuovo cinema Paradiso, 1988) 中扮演成年的圖圖),於現實生活中,他 50 多歲時生下的小兒子也叫 Maxence,並在本片擔演可愛的皮比諾 (Pépinot) 一角。
《歌》片同時也把 Jean-Baptiste Maunier 和 Les Petits Enfants de Saint Marc 合唱團介紹了給全世界。
呀~~~《星光伴我心》,我仍然有印象呢 !
ReplyDelete好萊塢戲總是把戲的賣點誇大, 慌死觀眾睇唔明。
說起《星光伴我心》,我覺得原來版本較後來的導演足本好看:足本在原版結局後加了半小時戲份,足以把原版的浪漫情懷徹底吹散 >_<
ReplyDeleteI enjoy french films, french films from France are more classy and timeless (e.g les reseaux sauvages, le double vie de veronique, etc) and the accents of the actors are more pleasing to the ears. French Canadian films on the other hand are more contemporary and satirical (e.g C.R.A.Z.Y, Jesus de Montreal, J'en suis), bridging both north american and european cultures. Will write a little more aboout them.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the choir is actually Les petits chanteurs de Saint Marc. :o) C'est celestial!
Merci beaucoup!!!
ReplyDeleteI also like the singing of Jean-Baptiste. His voice is so wonderful like that of an angel. But you probably would not want to listen to his voice now. His old voice is the beauty of the sunset.
If the Choir comes to HK again, I will invite you to be my partner and buy the most expensive tickets! I really enjoyed their last performance in March 2007. Of course, the video clip you uploaded here is the best of them and Jean-Baptiste! C'est parfait!
ReplyDeleteSometimes people regard "Le double vie de veronique" as a Polish film (or a french/polish one) because of the director. Many European movies are timeless and classy. They do not have a specific setting; they just deliver an idea/theme and thus the auidence would have more possible and personal interpretation angles. That's why I feel they are enjoyable.
Can't wait to see your critique :)
I felt regret that I had missed their performance last March after I watched the movie ... LOL.
I am thinking to get a copy of their concert's DVD.
I have one copy of that DVD. If you fail to get one, I can lend you for viewing. It was great! Catch up later.
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance, Keiko :) Would let you know if I need it.
ReplyDeleteBTW, seeing you typing here, I think you are getting well ^_^