故事講兩個男孩 Mew 和 Tong 本是樓上樓下的鄰居,Tong 的姊姊 Tang 失蹤了,家人要搬離傷心地。一別數年,Mew 憑着音樂才華成了男孩樂隊的唱作靈魂,Tong 成了肩膀結實的美少年。兩人重遇,再續未了緣。與此同時,Tong 的爸爸仍陷於女兒失蹤的陰霾,並因酗酒而得嚴重肝病,媽媽要獨撐大局。Mew 的樂隊經理人有一助手 June,跟 Tang 神貌相似,Tong 藉 Mew 的關係讓 June 去給爸爸一點精神慰藉。不久,Tong 跟 Mew 的曖昧關係昇華,最終也被 Tong 的媽媽發現,後果可想而知……
看大會印製的免費刊物《影訊》,本片導演說《泰》本來片長 340 分鐘,為了公映而作大量刪剪,成了目前 153 分鐘的版本,刪去的多是音樂、長鏡頭,還有 June 的戲份,因為導演覺得給 June 增加一點神秘感,讓觀眾自己發掘故事更有趣。我同意。影片對感情的描繪還算細膩,但節奏始終較慢,不脫慵懶的熱帶本色。
又如導演所言,《泰》是一齣愛情片,浪漫的愛以外,主要是談愛的意義,按公映版本看是這樣,增加 June 的戲份的話更是如此。然而,跟所有包含同性戀愛的電影一樣,觀眾看到談情的是兩個男生(或女生),自然馬上給電影標籤作「同性戀電影」,什麼內容、題旨都變得毫不重要。王家衛的《春光乍洩》還不是得到同等「待遇」──把梁朝偉的角色換成女演員,一樣說得通(張國榮的看來符合男性典型多一點),王大導好像也說過差不多的話。
《泰哥兒》最好看的不是兩個漂亮男孩的談情戲──拍得挺乾淨,兩人友儕的反應「柔順」得頗一廂情願,結局也非我這愛看「齊歡暢,同慶賀」的觀眾最感滿意的──而是 Tong 一家因為 Tang 的意外而經歷的一切起落跌宕,直至最後彼此諒解,重拾家人之間的真愛。此外,片中兩個得不到愛的女生,角色設計雖然有點樣版化,有點膚淺,但既提供笑料,也提供少許反思空間,並不多餘。
看完電影,一直想知道片中用的那一首吳鶯音老歌是什麼?導演本身有華人血統,那是他早年從祖母口中得悉的。另一小趣,是一邊看,一邊覺得部份演員的樣子有點似曾相識,再細想之下,覺得 Mew 的祖母像某超市廣告人物「黃老太」、Tong 的媽媽像 Halle Berry、June 似袁彩雲,Tong 則有點像元斌(按上面官方網頁鏈接可見,他頭髮長一點的樣子尤其像)。
片中的歌曲跟主角的年紀一樣青澀,然而甜嫩之中滲出酸辣。可惜我不會泰文,也不去泰國,不曉得如何找到這原聲帶。最近看到別人的網誌寫「荒唐」,我的青春小鳥早已像 Tang 在林中消失了,中年危機已經提早到來,是我不曾荒唐之故麼?Mew 的歌聲和那些故事,聽起來這麼近,卻那麼遠呢。
The movie's length was a bit too much. I can't imagine it being over 5 hours long. But then I only started to glance at my watch as it goes into about 120min. I think at around 100-120min would be perfect.
ReplyDeleteAlot of my friends, including me, don't quite understand Tong's decision, because there wasn't a sign that he is rejected Mew. It was extra confusing for most that the subtitle was cut into:
I don't think
I can be your friend
But that does not mean that I don't love you.
Most people missed the "I don't think" part and got completely confused.
But anyway, I "buy" alot of the innocence that the characters presented, and June's messages were scripted quite well and hold a unversal truth.
I did check my watch when there was 20-25 minutes to go. The 340-minute can be broadcast as a mini-series on TV, anyway, if the Thailand audience are fine with the (light) gay scenes.
ReplyDeleteThe subtitle should be:
I don't think
I can be your boyfriend
But that does not mean that I don't love you
Tong does tell Mew that he doesn't want to be Mew's BF, which is kinda surprise to me at that point. I think Tong still feels a bit confused about his sexuality and he cares more about his family than his own feelings, at least for the time being. To Mew, the wooden nose already means a lot to him, which is a great bookmark to a memorable chapter in his life.
love the first song much (when Tong asked Mrs in the car not to stop playing it), will try to find out if it appears in the soundtrack (watched "Tropical Malady" few yrs ago, loved the song and asked friend's friend to help buy the cd from bangkok)
ReplyDeletewould it be better if "..." is added after "I don't think" and before "I can be your ()friend"?
btw, 中間有段 VO 冇字幕係潮州話,應該係家人問阿 Ying 做乜仲唔返屋企之類...
小弟係左前排攻擊,單拖鍾意揀 aisle 位(隔離係兩個女人);and i started to glance my watch (phone to be exact) when the film ran for <60 mins... it's way too slow, at least for me... 散場時 ipod 播著<匆匆>(live 07),跟住係<都市心>,於是去海傍兜個圈先去搭地鐵,再回到自己的小房間。
ReplyDelete寫得好一點,該把 I don't think I can be your boyfriend 在同一畫面分雙行打出,整句是一個完整意思,況且斷成兩個畫面閃得太快
你同 Mak 佢地可能坐得好近。我習慣後排攻擊,見 Mak 等人坐中排前左,後來人太多,不好意思左顧右盼,省得誤會喇 ~
ReplyDelete我好怕醜,驚嚇親人 ^_^
ReplyDelete冇記錯既話,I'm Not There 大家會同係 there 架 ~
ha, i wasn't tricking you to buy it before i'd do, but pls let me know in case the first song is included... btw, impulse buy 就係咁「敗家」,小弟都試唔少...
ReplyDeletei'll be there too~(不過呢場 full house,茫茫人海...)
我 impulse buy 好離譜,而家好少少,因為已經長窮水盡
ReplyDelete果日會盡量早 d 到排前少少,照舊坐中排較後(尾五六行果隻喇)的正中位
gum let's see if I'll see you "there" la...
ReplyDelete謝謝!我的 impulse buy 又在蠢蠢欲動……
k, cu :)