Monday 2 April 2012

2012 第一季觀影小結

想過這一季會破紀錄在電影院看了 43 齣電影,而且全部是新片(或首次在香港公映的電影)。


2012 年第一季推薦電影:

1 《星光夢裏人》(The Artist)
2 《雨果的巴黎奇幻歷險》(Hugo)
3 《桃姐
4 《陽光抗癌大作戰》(La guerre est déclarée)
5 《春嬌與志明
6 《龍紋身的女孩》(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
7 《選戰風雲》(The Ides of March)
8 《世紀末婚禮》(Melancholia)
9 《J. 艾德格》(J. Edgar)
10 《諜網謎蹤》(Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
10 《明信片》(一枚のハガキ)
12 《繼承大丈夫》(The Descendants)

1 comment:

  1. My picks for the 1/4 of 2012 are:

    1. The Art of Getting By (Typical teens flick but feeling real good)

    2. Restless (the flick is just so-so, like its refreshing tone)

    3. We Need to Talk About Kevin (Creepy in a way, the highest score in my list)

    4. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (cheesy but it works)

    5. Footloose (An average re-make indeed)

    6. Anonymous (a big overlook)
